Applied: - Removed Tinker With Wands Everywhere from perk pool (Configurable) - Projectile Repulsion and Slow Field are now centered to the player - Plague Rats last last forever - Pollen doesn't hurt caster - Homunculus no longer drowns or catches fire - Health upgrades heal you for the amount they added (Configurable) - Aiming Arc rotates towards cursor rather than aiming direction - Reworked Teleportitis and Teleportitis Dodge - Teleportitis, Revenge Tentacle, Revenge Explosion will not activate when taking stain damage - Lukki Minion is more aggressive - Exploding Corpses explode instantly and no longer gives explosion immunity but instead +25% explosion resistance - Projectile Repulsion and Slow Field no longer affects projectiles that don't collide with tiles and fields - Evil hearts show a purple particle effect rather than red - Evil hearts now play their shrinking animation - Player base movement and flight speed are increased by 25% - Player base flight time decreased by 25% - Choice of 3 perks at the start (Configurable) - Added a modifier that makes homing spells and modifiers use line of sight. - Fixed syntax error for Explosive Detonator - Projectile Energy Shield is larger - Contact Damage and Damage Field uses red particle effects - Projectile Eater Sector uses green particle effects - Teleportitis Dodge uses blue particle effects - Gold Chunks close together combine into bigger ones (Configurable) - Increase cast delay for Concentrated Spells - Bubble Spark Bounce no longer hurts yourself - Increase Vamprisim healing rate - Disable automatic inventory opening when leaving Holy Mountain. - Added 1 and 5 gold nugget drops - Weak slimers no longer bleed permanant toxic sludge - Weak slimer projectiles no longer produce permanant toxic sludge - Giant slimers now bleed toxic sludge (non permanant for weak) instead of acid - Wand prices are based on their components (from Window Shopping) - Everything attacks each other when you die (Just for fun, can be turned off) Working on: - Add floating text for healing (Currently only from blood money) - Add floating text for gold (Currently only for gold nuggets) - Weak giant slimers drop weak slimers rather than regular ones at low health (Currently not working) TODO: - Blood modifier perks no longer increase the amount of blood spewed - Dissolve Powders only activates when crouching/eating - Gold is Forever turns gold chunks into powder in unloaded chunks - Dynamically increase particles - Worms and Lukkis don't eat Holy Mountain brick, unless you want them to - Remove random aggression and friendliness from enemies (Is it even possible?) - Damage flashes are based on the percentage of damage taken rather than the amount taken (Is it even possible?) - Return spell adds a visible beam between you and it - Slice damage is based on speed - Add Terraria style Water Walking perk - Teleport particles point towards the destination (Is it even possible?) - Show spell descrtiptions when standing at just like perk descrtiptions. - iframes, but only at 1 or 2 frames (Configurable) - Rewrite Extra Life so that I can change the icon when the life has been used up. Perhaps even set a respawn point to the exit chute of the holy mountain? Like the debug teleport positions. Maybe: - Turn Oil Blood into a Mega Perk: * Rename to Cyborg * Bleed Oil * Decrease Speed * Change species to robot with all the benefits and drawbacks - Spell damage modifiers affect all types of damage, not just regular damage - Add a way to appease the gods without relying on a perk. Perhaps a hefty donation? Would have to basically apply the perk's base effect when you're at previously visited temples. Or could rebuild their chunks. Very angry gods may not be appeased. - Plasma Beams attach to the end of the wand if fired from it - Electricity perk has reduced ambient shocks, but also applies electrical damage to your projectiles and shocks melee attackers - Freeze Field perk also applies ice damage to your projectiles, freezes melee attackers, and gives you frost immunity, but no longer extinguishes fires (If that's even possible) - Change Gas Fire to Fire Aura which applies fire damage to your projectiles, immolates melee attackers, burns everything burnable around you, and gives fire immunity - Enemies are less accurate - Wood burns slower and colder - Coal burns slower and colder - Oil burns faster and hotter - Accelerative homing increases speed based on distance rather than time - Reduce all blood but make it all true liquid