Database: RFC1337
Owner: Affliction (C405129)
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Quote #44
Hetor /qdb/get.php?db=RFC1337&id=34 EPIC
SexiAros :s Wut's that
Hetor quote
SexiAros Im hungry now.
SexiAros brb foods, u dead
Hetor :|||
TheToxicAvenger That quote is LOL
SexiAros cookeh mm
Hetor the typo is epic
SexiAros Should I laugh?
Hetor no
Hetor You should sex RaymondTracer
SexiAros :s Why
Hetor because you came here to do it
Hetor we all know it
Hetor so go ahead
SexiAros D:
SexiAros No way :x
Hetor SEX or GTFO
SexiAros Go fuck urself
Hetor no u
SexiAros D:
Hetor :>
SexiAros Sexist!!!!!
Hetor -.-
SexiAros Ye, lil boi, u know what it means?
SexiAros Without googling XD
Hetor It means "Aros wants RaymondTracer"
SexiAros No, it means "Hetor hates women"
SexiAros Hetor Sexist = Hetor Hates Women
SexiAros Hetor, that
SexiAros And Hetor this
SexiAros Hetor everywhere.
SexiAros Hetor under table.
SexiAros Hetor sucking.
SexiAros Hetor eating.
SexiAros Hetor stripping.
SexiAros Hetor everywhere.
SexiAros Hetor, Hetor, Hetor.
*** Hetor quit (Ping timeout)
SexiAros I think I killed him.