Database: RFC1337
Owner: Affliction (C405129)
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Quote #50
<+El_phelix> Plagued CyberDemon is hardest (remotly fail)??monster ever made!
<+El_phelix> *fair
-!- Aerial [] has joined #DRZ
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<~James> Nah, I think the boss on invu01 is harder
<+El_phelix> no
<+El_phelix> its unfail
<+El_phelix> *fair
<~James> So?
<~James> It doesn't fail
<+El_phelix> Plagued cyber isnt
<+El_phelix> i ment fair
<~James> And your saying your cyberdemon is remotely fail
<~James> heh
<+El_phelix> i ment fair lol
<~James> lies!
<+El_phelix> noes
??* El_phelix runs away crying
-!- El_phelix [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.11/2009060215]]