Database: RFC1337
Owner: Affliction (C405129)
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Quote #79
<Set_Abominae> MiFU why in the hell did you knock up Tib's mom
<Set_Abominae> He doesn't want a brother
<Tib> i'm 12 and what is this
<Apothem> Well he woulda
<Apothem> But his dog beat him over the fence
<Set_Abominae> ROFL
<Tib> :suicide:
<Apothem> lol
<Set_Abominae> Looks like your brother is half dog, Tib
<Apothem> rofl
<Tib> are you implying my brother will be smile.jpg????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//
<Set_Abominae> actually
<Set_Abominae> yes