Database: RFC1337
Owner: Affliction (C405129)
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Quote #81
<puhax> when i threw a burned skulltag shaped cookie to you
<puhax> you did nothing
* The_Player ( has joined #skulltag
<@Tiger> All do something now ;)
<puhax> hai player
* [LZ]DevilHunter watches Tiger Pull out the Ban Hammer :o
<KillTimE> =0
* puhax takes the ban fucking gun out
<@Tiger> Ban Hammer V4.0
<KillTimE> =)
* puhax takes the ban fucking gun 100k out
<puhax> :)
<Kratos> Tiger has something far bigger than that
<@Wartorn> his penis
<@Wartorn> lol
<Kratos> lol
* puhax was kicked by Tiger (BOOM!)
<gatllukS> rocket ride
<@Wartorn> tiger what have we told you about masturbating >:|
<KillTimE> yay! =D/!
<@Tiger> Oh, no ban...??Than Ban Hammer V4 failed me :(
* puhax ( has joined #skulltag
<Kratos> Metalhead is crying because you're masturbating, you bastard!
<puhax> lol
<KillTimE> rofl
<@Wartorn> wat
<Kratos> ok
<Kratos> this train is derailing already
<@Tiger> <@Wartorn> tiger what have we told you about masturbating >:| : I was not >:(