Database: RFC1337
Owner: Affliction (C405129)
This Database is in Read-Only Mode
Quote #94
<Set_Abominae> !weednuke
<MiFU> Set_Abominae has launched a weed nuke!
<MiFU> it hits Qent <3 Making him high
<MiFU> man
<MiFU> Set_Abominae
<Haohmaru> !nuke
<MiFU> Haohmaru has launched a nuke!
<MiFU> it hits and blows up ChanServ
<Kratos> !weednuke
<MiFU> Kratos has launched a weed nuke!
<Wartorn> i'm looking at the hi-res porn in SMHQ's files
<MiFU> it hits Hypernova <3 Making him high
<Haohmaru> !nuke
<MiFU> Haohmaru has launched a nuke!
<MiFU> it hits and blows up Qent
<MiFU> you missed out on awesome spacedm5
<Haohmaru> !nuke
<MiFU> Haohmaru has launched a nuke!
<MiFU> it hits and blows up Wartorn
<Haohmaru> !nuke
=-= MiFU was booted from #drz by Server (Channel flood triggered (limit is 10 lines in 5 secs))
<Haohmaru> ahahahahahahaha
<C405129> rofl
<Wartorn> trying to figure out how to use the textures lump
<TheToxicAvenger> LOL
<NzY> lmao
-->| MiFU ( has joined #drz
=-= Mode #drz +qao MiFU MiFU MiFU by ChanServ
<MiFU> wow
<Haohmaru> :D
<MiFU> such faggots
<TheToxicAvenger> XD
<Set_Abominae> LMAO