Database: DH
Owner: DevilHunter
This Database is in Read-Only Mode


[@Kilgure] Kilgure Stipsi is a dix
<@Kilgure> Stipsi to pierdolona kurwa AHAHAHA
@Kilgure frowns at ass really really hard
[+Kilgare] .google stipsi's fat ass titties assass titties
[+Kilgare] rofl 60 ping to tell you something with a purple vibarator.
[+Kilgure] Kilgure Anna does love SoulSucka and Anna sucks
[+kil________________________] Im a little in their dildoss, oh also I get happy about women
[ijontichy] %o accepts %k's shaft
[DevilHunter] in the butt
[ijontichy] I've done that a bunch too
[%DS2012] If Qent had their virginity, they just lost it to an orange pony.
[UnixAssassin] my library hits 20 MB/s a sex