Database: DH
Owner: DevilHunter
This Database is in Read-Only Mode


[DS2012] He usually says something when i said that the bot just say i was going to say.
[DS2012] Because he has sex but in a server.
[DS2012] This spider keeps crawling to the rec center and walk like the spider on my laggy computer.
[@Kilgure] Kilgure Bojan is my out put. When I came home there was Bojan whore
[@Kilgure] bojan is my dick in girls' vaginas.
[@Kilgure] the duel machine, and Bojan is my plug-in and here it made me op in this hot weather
[@Kilgure] Kilgure Stipsi is a furry
[+Kilgare] question: what was bojan whore whore and lucy
[@Kilgure] oh crap Dark-Slayer is a time there was Bojan whore whore
[+DevilHunter] [@Kilgure] I dont know The answer was Bojan whore